Стратегията за корпоративно развитие предлага големи инвестиционни възможности в партньорство с Групата Асарел-Медет. Предвидено е инвестиционните проекти да се реализират предимно с участието на стратегически инвеститори –производители на стоки и услуги с добра репутация, ноу-хау и добри пазарни позиции. Групата Асарел – Медет планира да участва в подобни проекти с минимум 40% от инвестицията по проекта и ще ангажира до 20% от свободните си финансови и материални активи, в това число и инвестиции. Поканени за участие в тези проекти са и акционери от Групата Асарел – Медет.

Buildings located at the industrially-zoned site “Medet”/
Auto Repair Shop/
A massive, iron-reinforced, concrete, single-floor building made of steel, lattice pillars and frames.
Built up area: 3 165 m2
Construction volume: 34 100 m3
Carrying value: 4 400 leva
Acquisition cost: 10 240 leva
Condition: satisfactory
Year occupied: 1965
Auto Repair Shop/
A massive, single-floor building.
Built up area: 3 720 m2
Construction volume: 39 200 m3
Carrying value: 17 250 leva
Acquisition cost: 40 180 leva
Condition: satisfactory
Year occupied: 1980
Drivers Building/
A massive, single-floor building, used for administrative-residential purposes
Built up area: 201 m2
Construction volume: 850 m3
Condition: satisfactory
Year occupied: 1976
Construction volume: 850 m3
Condition: Satisfactory
Year occupied: 1976
Steam-Boiler Plant/
A massive, single-floor building
Built up area: 713 m2
Construction volume: 7600 m3
Carrying value: 4450 leva
Acquisition cost: 177 680 leva
Condition: poor
Year occupied: 1965
Health Center/
A massive, single-floor building
Built up area: 326 m2
Construction volume: 673 m3
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1970
Crushing Plant/
A massive, iron-reinforced, concrete, single-floor building.
Built up area: 2 480 m2
Construction volume: 2 100m3
Carrying value: 1 285 leva
Acquisition cost: 3 072 leva
Condition: satisfactory
Year occupied: 1971
Shelter for Wheels and Machines/
A massive, single-floor building.
Built up area: 420 m2
Construction volume: 2 200 m3
Carrying value: 150 leva
Acquisition cost: 450 leva
Condition: poor
Year occupied: 1981
Professional Training Center/
A massive, 2-floor building, used for administrative-residential purposes
Built up area: 261 m2
Total area: 522 m2
Construction volume: 1 458 m3
Carrying value: Nil
Acquisition cost: 177 680 leva
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1971
A massive, single-floor building, used for administrative-residential purposes
Built up area: 225 m2
Construction volume: 750 m3
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1971
Year occupied: 1971
A massive, single-floor building
Built up area: 22 m2
Construction volume: 66 m3
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1976
Buildings located at the industrially-zoned site "Assarel"/
Administrative Building/
A 6-floor, uncompleted building made of steel-concrete elements
Steam Boiler Station/
It was used to heat the buildings of the former military camp. There is a heating steam pipe line passing inside it.
Condition: demolish
A Galley and Pantry Building/
A massive 2-floor building
Buildings situated in the Panagyurishte municipality and the region /
Primary school/
A massive 3-floor building with an adjacent single-floor Galley building.
Built up area: 300 m2 and 200 m2 respectively
Total built up area of 900 m2 and 200 m2 respectively
Construction volume: 2700 m3 and 600 m3 respectively.
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1971
Building of the Fire Brigade/
A massive 2-floor building.
Built up area: 220 m2
Construction volume: 1188 m3
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1971
Mechanical Building/
A massive single-floor building with adjacent garages
Built up area: 136 m2
Construction volume: 510 m3
Year occupied: 1972
CKS Tourist Complex/
Consists of: 6 two-floor villas; a Galley with adjacent Administrative Units and 2 single-floor maintenance buildings
It was put into operation in 1970.
Condition: good
Condition: good
Built up area: 300 m2 and 200 m2 respectively
Total built up area of 900 m2 and 200 m2 respectively
Construction volume: 2700 m3 and 600 m3 respectively.
Condition: good
Factory House of Culture/
A massive 3-floor building.
Built-up area: 1 356 m2
Construction volume: 10 983 m3
Condition: good
Year occupied: 1978
Storehouse for Wheels/
A massive 2-floor building.
Built-up area: 687 m2
Construction volume: 3 130 m3
Year occupied: 1967