Assarel-Investment in line with the Assarel-Medet Group Corporate Environmental Policy, has adopted the following environmental principles:/
Strict observance of the legal and any other requirements for environment protection which are currently in force and the ISO 14001:2004 international standard.
Achieving and maintaining a high environment protection standard which meets at least the minimum required by law and which sets a priority focus to the impact upon the environment exerted by the company.
Ensuring the conformity of the mining operations with the environment protection through efficient, full value and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources and reasonable and effective consumption of the other resources such as water, electric power, raw materials and materials.
Studying the best experience and applying advanced technologies in order to achieve harmony and balance between mining operations and environment and their conflict-free inclusion in a conglomeration of auxiliary activities focused toward comprehensive use of forests and tourism.
Systematic identification of the aspects and risk evaluation of the environment, achieving a high environmental efficiency and continuous improvement of the processes.
Efficient monitoring through the use of the first in the country environmental system built in 1988 and application of a preventive approach for water and air protection.
Total recultivation and rehabilitation of vegetation on areas damaged by mining activity.
Deposition of mining and processing wastes in order to ensure a phased and overall rehabilitation of damaged areas.
Treatment of the operations, maintenance and auxiliary activities wastes through recycling, reprocessing and second use whenever this is possible.
Fulfillment of the declared policy concerning the environment through preparation of long-term strategies and setting objectives and tasks which are updated on regular basis in compliance with the best Bulgarian and international experience.
Continuous care for high environmental culture development, awareness of the personal responsibility and commitment of the personnel to the environment protection.
Commitment of the business partners to observe the introduced high standards for environment protection on the territory of the company.
From Nature to People, From People to Nature!
Modern management of water resources and prevention of their contamination, functioning of a reclaim water supply system and a reliable system of hydrological and purification facilities.